Friday, March 03, 2006

The First Post!

Well, here goes. This is my fifth blog this year and I am beginning to hate writing the first post.

Every time you begin a new blog you want it to be just right, the perfect actualization of your vision. However I have finally realized that this post is never read. I have never read the first post on a single blog before and I don’t why anyone would. Just to be safe I’ll introduce myself. My name is Nate Archer and I am a student at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto. I am in the Industrial Design program and have started this blog as a way to articulate my thoughts and showcase my work.

More to come soon


Denise said...

I read the first post. It is sometimes and always the most interesting way to see where you really began. Your first post makes me happy. It is both outwardly and self-reflexive (being that it's a first post which comments on first posts).

bradmistry said...

I have also read the first post, althought it was the last one to be read, it was still read. Great intro and I'm looking forward to reading your future posts. Unfortunatly I didn't have the luxury to be the first to comment, but maybe that's for the better... cause does anyone read the first comment?

Silly Denise... tricks are for kids.